On Movies and Television:
9/23/2014: for Bitch Flicks, Pretty Little Liars and the radical embrace of female friendship
6/27/2013: for Bitch Flicks, Muriel's Wedding and the promise of marriage as self-actualization
1/24/2013: for Bitch Flicks, slut-shaming in Dangerous Liaisons and Cruel Intentions
12/24/2012: for Bitch Flicks, a look at cooking to catch a man--kitchen skills as romantic prowess
9/25/2012: for Bitch Flicks, a look at light-hearted misogyny in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
9/24/2012: for Bitch Flicks, a look at beauty and self-esteem in Funny Girl
2/2/2011: for Bitch Flicks, a look at the Fighter and its knockout female performances
4/13/2007: for The Reeler, Havana Film Festival NY
3/28/2007: for The Reeler, B-Ing There: on Film Forum's B-Movie Musical Festival
12/1/2006: for The Reeler, Cracking the Code: on "Fox Before the Code" festival
On Theatre:
12/26/2012: for Full Stop, a defense of shameful cultural habits and musical theatre
2/5/2007: for New Theater Corps, "The Mammy Project" at American Theatre of Actors
2/1/2007: for New Theater Corps, "Dutchman" at Cherry Lane Theatre
12/23/2006: for New Theater Corps, "A Crazy Sound" at LaMama E.T.C.
On Literary Culture:
3/28/2012: for The [tk] Review, Adding Sugar to the Mix: On Demystifying the Author Crush
1/26/2012: for The [tk] Review, Why I Abandon My Books (and why you should, too)
5/24/2011: for [TK] Reviews, Finding the Future by Examining the Past, at the NYPL
5/19/2011: for [TK] Reviews, Word of Biggest Mouth
4/21/2011: for [TK] Reviews, Cultured Expectations
3/31/2011: for [TK] Reviews, the Unmanageable Reading Life
3/10/2011: for [TK] Reviews, Corrections from the Assisterati
3/3/2011: for [TK] Reviews, Schmoozing and Boozing
1/27/2011: for [TK] Reviews, What Do You Do with a B.A. in English?
1/20/2011: for [TK] Reviews, To Blog or Not to Blog
1/6/2011: for [TK] Reviews, Don't Judge a Book By Its Popularity
12/9/2010: for [TK] Reviews, A Publishing State of Mind
11/25/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Hunger-Inducing Literature
11/18/2010: for [TK] Reviews, The Conundrum of the Small Literary Gem
11/3/2010: for [TK] Reviews, The Writer's Drive: NaNoWriMo's Mixed Bag
10/21/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Children's Books to Read While Drunk!
10/14/2010: for [TK] Reviews, The Invisible Tweak of the Excellent Editor
09/30/2010: for [TK] Reviews, The Products of "Howl", the Fans of Facebook
09/16/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Quinquennial Mayhem
09/09/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Brooklyn, The Beacon of Literature's Future
08/26/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Publishing Beyond the Big Apple: San Francisco
08/18/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Aspiring Grown-Ups: Editorial Assistants
08/11/2010: for [TK] Reviews, #WomeninPublishing: Interview with Faith Black, Berkley Books
07/29/2010: for [TK] Reviews, The Problem of Casting Literary Heroes
07/22/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Where Have All the Good Books Gone?
07/15/2010: for [TK] Reviews, To Read is to Travel, but Dystopia is a Holiday
07/01/2010: for [TK] Reviews, #thebookthatchangedmyworld--a True Story
06/24/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Lessons from Launch: How a Book gets Debuted
06/04/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Breed to Read: How Children's Books Make Us Readers
06/02/2010: for [TK] Reviews, "Must-Read" Books Left by the Wayside
06/02/2010: for [TK] Reviews, Book Spot: Bluestockings
06/01/2010: for [TK] Reviews, The Memoir Craze: High and Low Drama, and All Kinds of Crises